

Chord is an innovative platform designed to bring you transparent, organic recommendations on a myriad of topics, from the softest sheet materials to the best travel mugs, and even the top bluetooth speakers. Harnessing the power of AI, Chord conducts real-time web research to deliver personalized articles that reflect the internet consensus on any given subject. Simply provide a topic of interest, and within minutes, Chord synthesizes the research findings into an easily digestible article. Whether for personal use or to inform decision-making, Chord ensures the information provided is authentic and accurately represents collective internet knowledge, without influence from advertisers or affiliate programs. Contributions remain anonymous by default, with a privacy toggle available for user control, embodying a community-focused resource for reliable and unbiased insights.

Top Features:
  1. Real-Time Web Research: Conducts thorough online research swiftly while you enjoy a short break.

  2. AI-Powered Synthesis: Utilizes AI to transform research into comprehensible and informative articles.

  3. Personalization: Tailors recommendations and articles to the user's specific topic of interest.

  4. Transparency: Ensures recommendations are unaffected by advertiser or affiliate money.

  5. Privacy Control: Allows users to keep their generated articles anonymous with a simple privacy setting.


1) What role does AI play?

AI plays a crucial role in vetting the relevancy and authenticity of sources during research. It is also used to compose final articles and simplify the information for better understanding.

2) Are the articles I generate anonymous?

You can choose whether or not the articles you generate are linked to your account. There's a privacy toggle in your profile settings, with public visibility as the default option.

3) Do you take advertiser or affiliate money?

No, Chord does not accept any advertiser or affiliate money, ensuring that the recommendations are unbiased and purely based on collective knowledge from the internet.





Transparency Organic Recommendations Personalized Articles Real-Time Web Research Consensus


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