

Speed up your contract creation process with ContractIQ. Powered by AI, our platform lets users draft accurate contracts with unparalleled efficiency. Say goodbye to time-consuming manual inputs and embrace rapid, reliable contract generation tailored to your needs.

Effortless Contract Creation From selection to export, craft precise contracts in three simple steps.

  1. Choose Your Contract Type Begin by selecting the ideal contract template that fits your needs. Whether it's a service agreement, NDA, or lease, we've got you covered.

  2. Add Relevant Information Easily input critical details like parties involved, specific clauses, terms, and more. Our platform guides you through, ensuring every element is addressed.

  3. Edit & Export Once generated, review and make any necessary tweaks. When perfected, export your contract and you`re ready to proceed.

Top Features:
  1. ContractIQ doesn`t just understand contracts. It has been trained on Wikipedia, books and the Internet, so that it can reference facts about the world.

  2. Tailored contract templates adapt to your industry, ensuring relevancy and precision.

  3. Effortlessly modify contracts with intuitive tools, ensuring every document aligns with your needs.

  4. From PDFs to Word docs, choose from a range of export formats compatible with any platform.





Automation Business intelligence Writing Contract Accurate Contracts Agreements NDA

Tech used:

Next.js Firebase Vercel Headless UI


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