

Loyae is revolutionizing site optimization through the use of machine learning, specifically in the realm of natural language processing (NLP). Designed to optimize web pages for searchability, usability, and accessibility, Loyae offers a seamless experience for SEO and SEM enhancement. As a dual API and web application, Loyae takes modern site optimization a step further by not only generating relevant metadata but also providing a suite of further features to enhance your website. With its free diagnostic tools, AI-generated meta tags, and alt text for images, Loyae promises to deliver a comprehensive toolset directly into your CMS, beginning with WordPress in July 2023.

Top Features:
  1. Free Diagnostic Tool: Loyae delivers valuable analytics including missing meta tags request speed and file size assessments.

  2. AI-Generated Meta Tags and Alt Text: Utilizes advanced language and vision models to automatically create search-engine-friendly meta tags and image descriptions.

  3. CMS Integration: Directly integrates with your content management system with initial support for WordPress.

  4. Natural Language Processing: Leverages NLP to abstractly generate metadata that enriches site context meaningfully.

  5. Extensible API: Provides a versatile API to empower developers and site owners with modern optimization tools.


1) What is Loyae?

Loyae is an intelligent API and web application that applies natural language processing to optimize websites for search engines and visitors.

2) What features does Loyae provide?

Loyae offers a range of features including a free diagnostic tool, AI-generated meta tags and alt text for images, and direct CMS integration starting with WordPress.

3) When will Loyae be available for WordPress?

Loyae's CMS plugin will be available to WordPress users starting July 2023.

4) Will Loyae be available for CMS platforms other than WordPress?

Yes, Loyae plans to extend support to other CMS platforms such as Wix, Webflow, Squarespace, Shopify, and more in the future.

5) How can I be notified when Loyae supports other CMS platforms?

You can join the Loyae waitlist to be notified about the release of plugins for other CMS platforms.





Machine Learning Site Optimization Natural Language Processing Web Application SEO SEM CMS Plugin


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