

Questmate streamlines work processes by offering customizable forms, checklists, and interfaces that connect seamlessly with your existing data, apps, and smart devices. With an aim to automate tasks and save time, Questmate is an innovative solution designed to help you accomplish tasks on autopilot. Whether it's for personal use, team management, or running a business, Questmate provides the tools you need to run quests, automate workflows, and integrate with various applications. Its user-friendly platform enables the creation of tasks with a range of customizable components, the running of quests either manually or on a schedule, and the automation of post-quest data handling with rewards and notifications. Suitable for a multitude of scenarios like workplace management, software development, HR practices, and daily personal routines, Questmate provides a versatile and efficient approach to managing recurring tasks and operations.

Top Features:
  1. Unlimited Quests Creations (AI), Runs & Assignments

  2. Scheduling of Quest Runs

  3. Integrations for Airtable, Google Sheets, Slack, Hubspot, Zoho, Philips Hue, Spotify, Tesla & more, as well as 3000+ additionally via Zapier

  4. Custom Components & Integrations via QuestScript

  5. No lock-in, cancel at any time


1) What is Questmate?

Questmate is a tool that combines customizable forms, checklists, and interfaces to help automate tasks and workflows.

2) What can Quests do in Questmate?

Quests can be configured to integrate with existing data, apps, and smart devices, to collect various types of data and automate tasks.

3) How can you run Quests in Questmate?

You can manually run quests or schedule them to run automatically with options for direct assignments, auto-run schedules, and reminders.

4) What happens after a Quest is completed in Questmate?

Questmate enables the export of data to other apps like Google Sheets and Airtable, and offers automations and the option to set up rewards.

5) Where can Questmate be used?

Questmate is used in numerous settings, including workplaces, coworking spaces, software development, business operations, human resources, and for personal everyday tasks.





Automation Productivity Workflows Forms Checklists

Tech used:

React Next.js Expo React Native ChatGPT


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