

RankRaven is a cutting-edge tool designed for businesses and marketers to track their brand's visibility within AI search engines, such as OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing. In today's AI-driven environment, having an insight into how your brand performs on AI platforms can significantly boost your SEO strategy.

With RankRaven, you get daily updates on your keywords' rankings within these models, automatic runs of your prompts, and notifications of any changes. It simplifies the process of monitoring AI models across different languages and countries, with the promise of providing automatic translations into over 40 languages.

Whether you are an individual, a business, or an agency, you'll find a plan tailored to your tracking needs, with comprehensive support to guide you through the intricacies of AI SERP tracking. Join RankRaven and start optimizing your brand's AI-driven SEO today.

Top Features:
  1. Multiple AI Models: Track your brand across AI search models like OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing.

  2. Daily Rank Updates: Receive automatic, daily briefings on keyword rank changes via email.

  3. Multiple Languages Support: Coming soon - compare performance across languages and countries with automatic translation into 40+ languages.

  4. Track Progress: Visualize rank improvements over time on a chart and compare against competitors.

  5. Easy Prompt Setup: Create prompts and add keywords to track your brand and competitors effortlessly.


1) Why do I need RankRaven?

RankRaven automates the daily tracking of your brand's appearance in AI model searches, saving time and providing monitoring for 40+ languages.

2) Why can't I simply run the prompts myself each day?

Running your prompts manually every day is time-consuming, and RankRaven adds the convenience of automation and multi-language support.

3) Do model answers really change over time?

Yes, model answers can change as Microsoft Bing leverages current internet data and other models are re-trained periodically.

4) Which models are you tracking exactly?

RankRaven currently tracks OpenAI GPT 3.5, Google PaLM (chat-bison), and Microsoft Bing Chat. More models may be added in the future.

5) My question isn't covered here. Where can I get additional help?

For any additional help not covered in the FAQs, you can visit RankRaven's support page for further assistance.





AI SEO SERP Tracking Brand Visibility Daily Updates Multiple Languages OpenAI ChatGPT Microsoft Bing Google Bard

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