

Rotime is a dynamic and versatile platform designed to revolutionize how you manage your daily schedule. It offers features that allow users to create events with flexible start and end times, set time-fixed alerts for essential appointments, and mark all-day events for days that require special attention.

Rotime provides routine templates which can be reused for recurring events and tasks, ensuring you maintain productivity without the stress of constant planning. The start time of your day can be manually set or automatically detected by the application, catering to the spontaneous changes in your routine.

One of the standout features is the timeboard, which presents a comprehensive overview of your routine, enabling you to visualize and organize your day efficiently. The focus-aware user interface is another ingenious addition that minimizes distractions by emphasizing the current event and dimming the rest, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. Along with all these features, Rotime includes a checklist feature to create tasks within events that can be marked as completed or skipped, ensuring you stay on track throughout the day.

Furthermore, Rotime acknowledges the importance of historical data, providing access to all past dates and the option to export your personal data for record-keeping or analysis. It also seamlessly adapts to the dark/light mode based on your device or operating system theme, ensuring comfort during usage at any hour.

Rotime's goal is simple yet impactful – to offer you a schedule that molds to your life, not the other way around, ensuring you never miss out on your routine again by adapting to your actual waking hours.

Top Features:
  1. Flexible Event Scheduling: Create events with adjustable start and end times.

  2. Alerts for Appointments: Set timely alerts for critical, time-sensitive engagements.

  3. All-Day Events: Designate full days for holidays, theming, or habits.

  4. Routine Templates: Access reusable blueprints for frequent tasks and events.

  5. Focus-Aware Interface: Highlight the current event while keeping others in the backdrop to reduce distractions.


1) How can I adjust the start and end times for events in Rotime?

Rotime allows you to create events with flexible start and end times to match your schedule perfectly.

2) Can Rotime help me remember time-fixed appointments?

Yes, Rotime provides the alerts feature to set timely reminders for your crucial appointments.

3) What are routines in Rotime?

Routines are reusable templates you can use to quickly create events and tasks that recur in your schedule.

4) How does Rotime enhance my focus during tasks?

Rotime uses a focus-aware UI, which emphasizes the current event while dimming the rest, to reduce distractions and enhance focus.

5) Can I export my data from Rotime?

Yes, Rotime includes an export feature that allows you to retrieve all your personal data from the platform.





Events Alerts Routines Timeboard Flexibility

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