Smart Note AI

Smart Note AI

Smart Note AI is an advanced AI-powered meeting transcription and note-taking tool designed to drastically enhance meeting efficiency and productivity. Through cutting-edge speech-to-text software, Smart Note AI transcribes your meetings with precision, offering you easily accessible text versions of your audio meetings.

Not only does it transcribe, but it also provides automated meeting summaries, essential takeaways, and pinpointed action items. This tool is ideal for professionals from various industries who seek to streamline their workflow and save valuable time on meeting follow-ups.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Transcription: Efficiently converts meeting audio into accurate text.

  2. Meeting Summaries: Provides automated summaries and key points without manual effort.

  3. Action Item Extraction: Automatically identifies and lists action items from meetings.

  4. User-Friendly Dashboard: Access, manage, and organize meeting notes with ease.

  5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.


1) What does Smart Note AI do?

Smart Note AI uses artificial intelligence to transcribe meetings, provide summaries, key takeaways, and action items from your meeting audio.

2) Which platforms is Smart Note AI compatible with?

Smart Note AI works with popular platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet for easy recording and note-taking.

3) Will there be a pause in new registrations or sign-ups for Smart Note AI?

Yes, sign-ups for Smart Note AI will be temporarily paused from April 5th to April 15th due to high volume of traffic.

4) Does Smart Note AI provide real-time meeting assistance?

Yes, it is designed to automatically generate outlines and suggest questions during your meetings, enhancing the meeting experience.

5) Can Smart Note AI handle recurring meetings?

With Smart Note AI, you can set up recurring meetings and it will remember to record and take notes for each session, creating a convenient note repository.




AI Technology Meeting Transcription Note-Taking Tool Speech to Text Automated Summaries Meeting Efficiency

Tech used:

ReactNode.jsTailwind CSS


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