

ThinkerNotes is an innovative tool designed to help individuals never run out of content ideas by leveraging the books they read and the insights they gather from various sources. It is the ultimate platform for capturing ideas, extracting insights, and building a comprehensive knowledge base, ultimately leading to the creation of original content. With ThinkerNotes, users can say goodbye to writer's block as it offers a systematic approach to organizing thoughts and ideas that occur while reading books, listening to podcasts, or exploring articles.

The platform presents several outstanding features that facilitate idea management and content creation. You can effortlessly capture notes and ideas in a designated inbox, ensuring that sudden sparks of inspiration are not forgotten. Leveraging your captured ideas, you can extract new insights that serve as a foundation for creating new and original content. The innovative 2-way linking system is particularly powerful, making it easy to discover previous notes and interconnect your insights, improving the overall discoverability of information.

Moreover, ThinkerNotes allows users to organize ideas with tags and link notes together for enhanced navigation. The tool aids in the retention of what you read, combating the natural tendency to forget material after finishing a book or article. This organized approach to note-taking and insight extraction also fosters thought leadership, as users can create original content based on the collective knowledge they accumulate over time.

Top Features:
  1. Capture Notes & Ideas: Secure a space to quickly capture and store ideas from books, podcasts, and spur-of-the-moment thoughts.

  2. Extract Insights: Use your captured notes as a source of inspiration to generate new, original ideas for content.

  3. Discover Old Insights: Create links between insights for easier rediscovery and to build a complex network of ideas.

  4. Capture Book and Article Notes: Keep your notes from books, articles, podcasts, and audiobooks organized in collections for easy reference.

  5. 2-Way Linking Feature: Link notes together to re-discover previous thoughts and insights without relying on memory.


1) How does ThinkerNotes help combat writer's block?

ThinkerNotes helps combat writer's block by providing tools to capture, organize, and retrieve notes and ideas, which can be leveraged to create new, original content.

2) Can ThinkerNotes help me remember what I read?

Yes, by organizing your notes and insights in ThinkerNotes, you can remember more of what you read and have those insights accessible for future use.

3) Is there a way to link my notes and insights together?

Yes, ThinkerNotes offers a 2-way linking feature that allows you to connect your notes for easy discovery and navigation.

4) How does ThinkerNotes promote original content creation?

ThinkerNotes encourages the extraction of insights from your knowledge and reading, helping you generate unique ideas for thought leadership.

5) Can I organize my notes from different sources in ThinkerNotes?

Yes, you can import highlights, group related notes into collections, and organize them using tags in ThinkerNotes.




Content Creation Knowledge Base Note Taking Idea Management Thought Leadership

Tech used:

Ruby on RailsTailwind CSSRuby


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